Saturday 20 June 2015



§        What is STRATEGY ?

      Strategy is a blueprint , a complete overall scheme of action , to achieve a crystallized cherished goal .
      For example , if we need to attack an enemy post from three sides simultaneously for victory , then the strategy will cover the general overall details of the invasion from all the three sides .

§        What is PLANNING ?

Each part of the overall Strategy requires separate detailed planning for the attainment of the goal .
So for the scheme of invading the enemy post in the example mentioned above , we will have three separate plans to attack the enemy post from three different sides .

§        What is TACTICS ?

Tactics are the step-by-step methods which are used to accomplish a plan .
In the example on hand , we have three plans . For ensuring the definite and easy accomplishment of each plan , we will need to apply our mind . We have to work out the Who , When , Where and How of how to proceed . These well thought-out steps of the move-by-move action process are called the Tactics .

§        What is the First Thing To Do when we want to achieve a goal ?

Obviously , the first thing to do is to be crystal-clear about what precisely is our target , what exactly are we out to achieve . We must have a crystallized goal .

§        How should we prepare ourselves before we Prepare A Strategy ?

Before working out a Strategy , take stock of :
                                i.            How much time is available to you .
                              ii.            How much manpower is available . Can you get reinforcement within the time on hand ?
                            iii.            Sum total of resources available with you . Can you get more supply of resources within the time that you have ?

§        What is the next step in devising a Strategy ?

Focus your mind on :
                                i.            What are the obstacles and difficulties that you might encounter in carrying out the action-plan . What risks are involved ?
                              ii.            Considering every danger and every pitfall , how much manpower is required to accomplish the task victoriously ?
                            iii.            What resources in what quantity will be required to execute the task successfully ?
                           iv.            What skills will be required to overcome all the obstacles .

§        What is at the heart of a Genius Strategy ?

The following Master Steps are at the core of a Genius Strategy :
                                i.            Strategize to win the War , not the Battles . Don’t waste energy and vital resources on pulling down plenty of pillars . Think of a penetrating action to pull down The Central Pillar which will bring down the entire enemy structure .
                              ii.            Think hard for a strategy so that this Central Pillar can be vanquished with minimum resistance , minimum action and minimum efforts .
                            iii.            For victory , we need a Brilliant Army , not some individual heroic soldiers . Flawless coordination between teams ( in charge of different plans which are part of the overall Strategy ) , and perfect co-ordination between members within a team is vital for victory .

§        What is done after the overall Master Strategy is ready ?

The following steps are taken :
                                i.            Each field of Action is identified under the Master Strategy , and accordingly the overall game-strategy is broken down into effective and easily manageable Plans . Each Plan is put under the charge of a different team . Perfect coordination between the different teams is worked out meticulously .
                              ii.            A ‘Vision Board’ is prepared for the overall Master Strategy , so that everyone can See the Big Picture . Everyone then realizes the role of each plan ( which is a part of the master Strategy ) , and can also visualize how the role of every member is absolutely vital for the success of the Big Picture .

§        What do we do after the plans are ready ?

The next steps are mentioned below :
                                i.            The more we apply our minds before Action , the more easily and better we perform . Therefore , each plan is now broken down into very very small and easy action-steps , often known as ‘baby steps’ . This makes the entire game-plan very easy to perform .
                              ii.            These action-steps which are taken to accomplish a plan are known as Tactics . At times these tactics proceed as foreseen . At times these tactics have to be spontaneous , at the spur of the moment , and different from what was foreseen . This is so because Reality often is different from what was pre-conceived and planned .
                            iii.            The ‘Vision Board’ is now further elaborated and completed . Each Plan is shown in it . The connection and interdependence between the plans is displayed to make the Big Picture more thorough and complete . All the Tactics as foreseen are then placed in complete details under each Plan . The ‘Vision Board’ thus now shows :
a.      The overall Master Strategy .
b.     The break-up Plans under the Strategy , and their interdependence .
c.     The anticipated ‘baby steps’ or the Tactics to accomplish each Plan .
d.     Every member thus knows what is his vital role in the overall Strategy .
e.      Every member knows the importance of every Tactics or ‘baby steps’ .
f.       Every member knows what are the different plans which are essential parts of the overall scheme .
g.     Every member understands the interdependence and connection between the Plans .
h.     Every member knows the Big Picture .
i.        Every member realizes their interdependence for Victory . Suddenly they know : “ Together we stand , Divided we fall ! ”

§        All preparation is over . NOW WHAT ?

There is a time to Think , and there is a time to Act . Preparation over , now is the time to Act .
Time is always in short supply , and coordinated Action has no substitute .
So go out all guns , rapid fire , but with a sober , responsible and calculating mind overseeing the entire operations .
“ The greatest weapon on Earth is the human soul on fire ! ”


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