Tuesday 3 December 2013



Be a hundred times more worth to fellow human beings . You will earn a hundred times more .

Expand your knowledge and skills to give more . Be of real value , deeper value to increasing number of people , and you will prosper . ( Apply your mind consistently to find out more and more new ways to do that . )

Take health , happiness and prosperity in the life of everyone you meet .

“ You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you . ”

We must meet our moral and spiritual needs even if it brings us pain in the short-run .

If you are in the game to win , play it full swing . Be willing to feel stupid , be prepared to try things that might not work  ---  and if they don’t work , be always ready to change your approach .

Live life ‘king-size’ while you are alive . Experience everything good that life has to offer . Have fun , be crazy , go purely mad ! Be spontaneous . Be silly . Discover the forgotten joy of being a kid once again !

Tuesday 5 November 2013




Arrange the undermentioned values in the table given below  in order of priority in your life :
[ Note against 1 whatever is of prime importance to you .
Note against 10 whatever is of least importance in your life ]












Now , ask someone else to fill up the above table without seeing the one that you have filled . This person could be your girl/boy friend , your would-be life-partner , your would be room-mate , or your colleague or boss : someone that you want to know how well you are likely to get along with .

When you match the two tables now , you will know how your priorities and ways of looking at life compare with each other . If they mismatch very much you will need to compromise on a daily basis , and both of you will feel deeply frustrated . If they match well you will get along smoothly with each other .

The table will also give you a fair idea as to in which areas you are likely to clash and in which areas you will naturally gel with each other .

Value-metrics is a psychometric tool , simple yet very useful !

Monday 14 October 2013


                                                by  S. K. SENGUPTA

STEP 1 : Plan a formal and effective opening to your presentation .

STEP 2 : (a) Give an outline of your entire presentation in a picture form . Be creative for that . (b) Now give a Punchline to your audience , which should be simple , eye-raising and should hit the bull’s-eye of the purpose of your speech .

STEP 3 : Next , tell the audience What Is In It For Them . Tell them how going through the presentation is going to immensely benefit them . For that you have to look at your presentation from their point-of-view .

STEP 4 : Now deliver your presentation point-by-point , section-by-section . The presentation has to be sober and professional , yet full of showmanship and enchanting . Show them something interesting and appeal to natural human emotions . You must know how to drive home your central points .

STEP 5 : (a) Now summarize your main points . (b) Also sum-up the benefits that are going to occur to the audience .
STEP 6 : (a) Now repeat the Punchline . (b) Finally appeal to the action that you want your audience to initiate . 

A great presentation does not just happen . It is a matter of art and techniques , and demands a great deal of sensitive hard work .

Sunday 8 September 2013



By  S.K.Sengupta .

         I.      Obtain 360 degree Market Information and develop the ability to act on it quickly .

§        Ask yourself why your product might fail . Ask why the customers might not like it .
§        Brainstorm what to do . More brains , better results .

            §        When market is changing fast , if you wait for a trend to evolve , it will be too late . So , develop intuition and a sense of urgency .
            §        Imagine ( based on 360 degree market analysis ) the likely future possibilities . Then plan suitable responses for each .
            §        Identify signs that could indicate that a particular possibility is unfolding .

           IV.      Convert Corporate Strategy into simple and straightforward actionable agenda .

            V.      Inspect  ,  not Expect  , to get Results .

           VI.      Calculated Risk-taking and Innovation are essential for breakthroughs . Have 
            lots of ideas , experiments , ventures , and new business concepts on your 
            mind .

                                                         VII.      Develop a strong and unique Core Business . Persue coming-up opportunities which align with your Core Competency . Select expansion opportunities which add to profits as well as strengthen the core of your business . Never lose focus of the core . To arrive at Core Business idea , meditate on what you can do better than others , and what are the unresolved problems of your customers that you can solve well .

                                                      VIII.      Ask yourself : “ What are we selling ? ” Then ask the customers : “ What are you buying ? ” [ They buy benefits . ]  By asking these questions , you will learn a deep lesson as to how to grow .

                                                            IX.      Grow by :
§        Selling more to carefully selected existing customers .
§        Systematically developing new products or services .
§        Establishing control of a market , and then growing as it grows .
§        Rethinking how you can make your service or product available to your customers more conveniently and promptly .

                                                               X.      Don’t drown your head in work and forget Networking . Strategic Internal and External Networking is an essential ingredient for success .

                                                            XI.      At the heart of Growth are Five different types of Companies :  
  §        RULE BREAKERS ( Apple Computer ) .
  §        GAME PLAYERS ( Coca Cola , Pepsi ) .
    §        RULE MAKERS ( Walt Disney , Micro soft ) .
 §        SPECIALISTS ( Midwest Express ) .
§        IMPROVISERS ( America Online ) .


Friday 9 August 2013




*  They are very charming in appearance .
*  They are suave in the art of gentle persuasion .
*  They are fearless .
*  They have no empathy .
*  They have no conscience .

B)  They are eagle-eyed and observe every minute detail             without any emotion .

C)  They are highly stimulated by the prospects of rewards , and care little for risk or losses .

D)  Psychopaths don’t work on things . They work on minds .

E)  They are deadly , yet they appear charming with a boyish innocence .

F)  Psychopaths possess immense poise under pressure , with a frozen mind and heart even in greatest danger .

Friday 5 July 2013



BY   S.K.Sengupta

Here are some tips so that your questions help people think , go deeper , and help you to probe and have a deeper insight :
*Ask all questions that come to your mind with What , When , Why , Who , Where , and How .
*Ask : “ Yes , but Why ? ”
*Ask : “ What’s the use ? ”
*Ask : “ Can you prove it ? ”
*Ask Compare and Contrast questions .
*Ask questions to test multiple abilities .
*Convert lower level questions into higher level by asking for deeper thinking .
*Ask clarifying questions beginning with What ( What makes you ask that ? / What bothers you about Shireen’s comment ? / What’s another way to look at this ? )
*Ask unusual but important questions .
*Ask probing questions .
*Ask questions to check :
                             I.      Knowledge .
                         II.      Comprehension
                     III.      Application
                   IV.      Analysis ( Relationship between parts )
                       V.      Synthesis ( Forming new patterns and structures )

                   VI.      Evaluation (How can it be modified ) .

Tuesday 11 June 2013



            I.      FOCUS  ON  SOLUTION  ,  NOT  ON  POSITIONS 
( Some ideas to do so are  presented below )  :

i)      Bring in a mediator .
ii)    Go for a toss .
iii) One person selects two options ( or makes two halves of a lot ) , and the second person selects one of these two options .
iv) Go for the middle or average of the two positions .

         II.      Think whether the negotiation should be taken to someone at a higher level to resolve the deadlock .

     III.      Rejection is reactive : line of communication is still open . Eliminate cause of rejection and the problem will be solved .

     IV.      Keep throwing fresh ideas and thoughts at people until something clicks .

        V.      Don’t ask WHY , ask WHAT  ( e.g.  What are the reasons ? / What has to happen ? / What if I offer you $2000 for that ?  etc. ) .

     VI.      ‘Statement questions’ are a polite way to probe more  . ( I wonder if you would like to see something cheaper . / I have liked the offer , but I don’t know much about your company . )

 VII.      Ask ‘open questions’ when the other person is not opening up .

VIII.      Paraphrasing ( repeating statement ) is also a way of asking an ‘open question’ .  ( “ I am not sure whether we should go for this offer ” , can be handled by saying : “ You are not sure ? ” )

Thursday 9 May 2013



by  S. K. SENGUPTA    

I have in hand a book that turned around the thinking of an entire generation. The book is  Think and Grow Rich  , and  Napoleon Hill  is the author . All thoughts on  achievement  today , and all training courses and books on success philosophy spring from there . It was steel magnate Andrew Carnegie who asked young Napoleon Hill to research and study if there was any definite road-map to success by scrutinizing the lives of the most successful people of their times . Napoleon bought that idea .
He carried out the research over twenty-five years of pains-
taking efforts , staking everything he had , his career , his
financial fate and the welfare of his family . He ended up
being a multi-millionaire himself and his name became a
synonym for success all over the globe . What the universe
earned from his  Law of Success  was far more than what
he gained himself .

Does this real story mean anything to you ? Can it help you in the battles of your own life ? Use your mind , and you may find the answer to all your own struggles in that little story .

D’you remember the Wright Brothers ? After a                                                     heart-rending struggle of several years , all they
had to show to the world was a series of failures .
Everyone thought that their idea was crazy . How
could a heavy machine float in air with several
persons sitting inside it ?! Do we still think the
same way ? No one of us can thank Wright Brothers
enough today for their unyielding spirits .

The secret of creating whatever we want for ourselves is there in this story . We can learn and use it if we really want to .

An airplane developed a snag and
crash-landed on a railway-track near
a small village in India several years
ago . The crew and passengers were
alive but were badly injured . Before
the villagers could begin any rescue
operation , they realized that a train
was fast approaching the airplane lying on the track . No one knew what to do . Some tried to raise their hands and shout . It had no effect . As everyone watched helplessly , a young girl swiftly dipped a cloth-piece in kerosene , put it on a bamboo , lighted it and ran to signal the train to stop . It worked . The train came to a screeching halt only a few feet away from the damaged airplane .

Ain’t we greater than any emergency and disaster ? Can’t we unleash the vast abilities which are sleeping within us ?

A young American lady with a baby

in arms was hit by a speeding car .The
lady was thrown apart and the car came
to rest with the baby lying under one
of its tyres . The lady got up , saw the
baby , gave a deafening cry as she ran
upto the car , and then holding the tyre ,
screaming with all her might , she lifted
the car by several inches .

This is a real incident . Emergency turned the lady into a superwoman . When we focus our entire existence and stake everything we have on one point , we often perform miracles !

“The greatest weapon on this earth is the human soul on fire .” We are greater than we imagine !


1.     What does success mean to you ?
2.     What are your short-term and long-term goals ?
3.     What makes you suitable for this career ?
4.     What do you think about the college where you studied ?
5.     What interests you most about a management career ?
6.     When someone is angry on you , how do you handle the situation ?
7.     What makes you angry ?
8.     What books you read ?
9.     How do you handle criticism ?
10. How do you handle tension ?
11. What are your weaknesses ?
12. What are your hobbies and pastimes ?
13. What are your strengths ?
14. What are the things that you find difficult to do ?
15. Describe a situation where you could not achieve your goal .
16. What do your parents do ?
17. Do you trust others easily ?
18. Are you a flexible person ?
19. Do you have any disability ?
20. How do you deal with change ?
21. What extra-curricular activities were you involved in ?
22. What five adjectives describe you best ?
23. What does failure mean to you ?
24. What kind of decisions are most difficult for you ?
25. What do you understand by good communication ?
26. What activities do you enjoy most ?
27. Which subjects you liked most ?
28. Which subjects you liked least ?
29. Give an example of a problem you faced and how you solved it .
30. What have you learnt in life which will help you most in your career ?
31. How would you define leadership ?
32. What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life ?
33. Do you think money is the most important thing in life ?
34. What makes a good team and a good team-member and a good team-leader ?
35. What kind of movies do you like ?