Tuesday 16 December 2014



o     Nobody has the right to tell me what to think , what to feel or what to do .

o     I have a right to have my own thoughts , to have my own feelings , to have my own values , and to have my own beliefs .

o     Nobody can force me to tell them about my personal life .

o     I have a right to decide what I want to tell others about my personal life .

o     If people are rude to me , I have the right to ask them to stop being rude . I also have the right to avoid them .

o     I have a need and right to love myself , to respect myself , to be fully self-expressed , and to have a straight talk with people .

o     I don’t tell others what’s right for them .

o     I have the right to do whatever I want as long as I am not violating the right of anyone else .

o     I have a right to be who I am and to live my own life in my own way whether others like it or not .

o     I accept that I have a right to commit mistakes --- otherwise I can’t learn and grow .

o     I don’t feel guilty for not being perfect .

o     I don’t want to ‘ look good ’ . I want to ‘ be good ’ to people .

o     I take my own decisions .

o     I understand that nobody is responsible for me . I am responsible for my own life .

o     I am a divine child of God .

o     I am responsible to be true to myself and to be true to others .

o     I am safe in the hands of God !

Thursday 4 December 2014


                  GIVING   IS   DIVINE
                                                            by  S.K.SENGUPTA


o       Be responsible in distributing an aid .

o       Understand the needs of the other person . Giving just as you wish is not a good idea .                                                                                                         Also when you help , never make the other person feel small or obligated .                                                                                                                                    Keep also in mind to pack a little of  you and your love  with the gift .

o       Real caring  is not a passing flush of emotion . Real caring is costly . It means weeping with those who weep . It means doing something after we have said , “I’m sorry .” The challenge is to  give  whatever may be possible in terms of time , efforts and resources .

While you help , keep this in mind  :

o       Think deeply for others .

o       Give them your time .

o       Give them space .

o       Give them your understanding . Give them your forgiveness . Give them your mercy .

o        Give them a dream .

o       Give them  value   in whatever you are doing for them .

o       Give them your disciplined and cultured behaviour .

o       Coach them . Work hard so that you can stand for them as an example .

o       Be slim , trim , and  well-groomed for them . Give them a good appearance .

Seven types of  giving   :

             I.      Giving for personal benefit .

          II.      Giving with the belief that it will release you from your sins .

       III.      Giving to show-off and to satisfy your ego .

     IV.      Giving because others are giving and you will feel ashamed  not  to give .

        V.      Giving thoughtlessly .

     VI.      Giving because you feel it is your duty . That is  moral  giving .

  VII.      Giving out of pure love for the other person in the spirit of Jesus . That is  spiritual  giving .