Tuesday 16 December 2014



o     Nobody has the right to tell me what to think , what to feel or what to do .

o     I have a right to have my own thoughts , to have my own feelings , to have my own values , and to have my own beliefs .

o     Nobody can force me to tell them about my personal life .

o     I have a right to decide what I want to tell others about my personal life .

o     If people are rude to me , I have the right to ask them to stop being rude . I also have the right to avoid them .

o     I have a need and right to love myself , to respect myself , to be fully self-expressed , and to have a straight talk with people .

o     I don’t tell others what’s right for them .

o     I have the right to do whatever I want as long as I am not violating the right of anyone else .

o     I have a right to be who I am and to live my own life in my own way whether others like it or not .

o     I accept that I have a right to commit mistakes --- otherwise I can’t learn and grow .

o     I don’t feel guilty for not being perfect .

o     I don’t want to ‘ look good ’ . I want to ‘ be good ’ to people .

o     I take my own decisions .

o     I understand that nobody is responsible for me . I am responsible for my own life .

o     I am a divine child of God .

o     I am responsible to be true to myself and to be true to others .

o     I am safe in the hands of God !

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