Wednesday 13 March 2013



                                                             by  S. K. SENGUPTA

I am holding a glass of water in my hand . If I hold it for thirty seconds , I will be comfortable . If I hold it for ten minutes , I will feel tired and uncomfortable . And if I keep on holding the glass like that for ten hours without a break , my hand will be aching badly and the pain will be unbearable . Stress is like that . If it lasts for a short while , we can bear it . If it continues , we start getting exhausted . If it continues to last over a very very long time , we get thoroughly exhausted , our bodily functions are disrupted , we develop blood pressure , our cardiac system and immunity system are affected , and finally we suffer from serious diseases and may even die in extreme cases .

Stress accumulates in geometric progression , not in arithmetic progression . So, we must not allow stress to continue . If there is excessive physical exertion , we must take a break , rest , relax , and sleep . We will be alright in no time . On the other hand , if there is excessive mental stress , we must immediately stop all negative thoughts . We must work for healthy habits . And we must cultivate constructive thoughts , speech , and action . A very good activity to break mental tension is to take long leisurely walks . During these walks , we must look at tall buildings , big trees , people moving  about, and life around in general . This extroversion brings great relief  and counterbalances mental distress and introversion .

We must manage our stress before it becomes serious . But before that we must learn how to stop stress in the first place from being produced . For that we must learn how stress is generated . Stress develops when we dislike the situation around us . The people and circumstances in our life can never be entirely as we want them to be . As such , some conflict , some stress , is inevitable . There is a beautiful story about it . An artist was to play Veena before Lord Buddha . Veena is a musical instrument with strings . The artist was tightening some strings . Lord Buddha asked : “ What are you doing ? ” The artist replied : “ These strings are loose . They will not produce music . So , I am tightening them . ” The artist then started loosening another set of strings . Lord Buddha asked : “ What are you doing now ? ” The artist replied : “ These strings are too tight . They might snap if I play on them . So, I am loosening them . ” Lord Buddha smiled and said : “ Life is like that . If there is no stress , there will be no music . And if the tension is too high , the string might snap . ” So , we must learn how to live in harmony with circumstances and people , so that we do not generate excessive conflict and stress in our lives . 

Let us see how we can live in harmony with our circumstances . For that we need to follow three measures . Firstly , we must have a positive outlook towards our past , present and future . Whatever happened in our past was for a purpose . It happened to teach us a lesson . We must remember the lesson and forget the past , because the past is gone forever and it will never come back . We must not even worry about the future , because we don’t know what shape it will take . An old man said : “ I am an eighty year old man . I have suffered great tragedies in my life , most of which never happened . ” We must plan positively for the future because only then we can build a better tomorrow . The famous Indian dramatist , Kalidas , said : “ Yesterday is but a dream , and tomorrow is only a vision . But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness , and every tomorrow a vision of hope . ” Lord Krishna said in Bhagvadgita : “ Whatever has happened has happened for good . Whatever is happening is also for good . Whatever will happen shall also be good . ”

The second measure is that we should assess our situation . Whatever we want , we must act to have that . We need to see what options are available , which option is best , what resources we have , brainstorm to build a good plan , and then work with a bull-dog determination to make things happen .

The third measure to deal with our circumstances is to accept the inevitable . When something happens and we cannot do anything about it , we must accept it as God’s will . Famous Indian poet Harvansh Rai Bachchan said ; “ What I want , if that is happening , it is good . What I want , if that is not happening , it is better . Because then what God wants , that is happening . And God knows better .” Old Walt Whitman said so wisely : “ Oh , to confront night , storms , hunger , ridicule , accident , rebuff , as the trees and animals do . ”  There is a discreet prayer : “ Oh Lord , give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change . Give me the courage to change whatever I can . And give me the wisdom to know the difference between the two . ”

So , to be in harmony with circumstances , we must have an optimistic outlook . We must plan and work to achieve whatever we can . And we must learn to accept the inevitable with patience and faith in God .

Now , let us see how we can be in harmony with people around us . For that we must remember what we studied in school : the warmth of Sun is more powerful than the harsh force of a storm ! We must realize that every person is different and has different views , wants and desires . Their views , wants and desires are unlikely to match with our own views , wants and desires . So , if we want to avoid conflicts and stress , we must deeply listen and understand the thoughts , desires and requirements of each other . Instead of attacking one another , we must learn to cooperate and attack the issues jointly for a win-win solution . We must decide on a course of action which is in the best interest of all of us taken together . If we can do that , we will get along peacefully with people , with a lot of joy , fun and music in our lives .

So , to have a stress-free life , choose harmony over conflict in every situation , with people and with circumstances . Maintain good health , balance extroversion and introversion , have a positive outlook on life , and don’t permit any stress to continue . Plan and work hard to achieve whatever you want . And when something bad happens , about which we cannot do anything , let us learn to bend on our knees , pray to God , and say gracefully: “ Oh Lord ! Thy will , not mine , will prevail ! ”

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