Friday 14 October 2016



By Shyamal Sengupta

From jungle days to this space age , it has been a journey of the conquests of human mind . The empires of the future also belong to the human mind . Two hundred years from now , everything that we are doing today will be done in a different manner . Innovations will change the method of working . But why are we waiting for others to give us the new ideas ? Why can’t we originate the ideas in whatever we do ?

Plan before you do anything . Look before you leap . But not logical planning , imaginative planning . Think different . Think new . Think something nobody has thought before . Make it a habit . Think before every action  : whether you are doing something small or something crucial and huge , whether you are working for yourself , or for your family and friends , or for society , or for your business and career . The more you do this , the more creative your mind will become , and everything you do will become more imaginative as a matter of habit .

Before every action , sit with pen and paper for original thoughts . You can develop your own methods to generate creative concepts . Here are some suggestions however : you may use one or a combination of them .

Take an aerial view . Look 360 degree at the entire matter . As you look at every nook and corner of the matter , you may develop some original viewpoints .

Think how a doctor will look at the situation , how an engineer will view it , how a banker will see it , how a policeman will look at it , how a businessman will perceive it . Look at it from various angles and get different perspectives . Various dynamic thoughts will begin to occur in your mind .

Use the  5W1H  method which stands for WHAT , WHEN , WHY , WHO , WHERE and HOW . Ask yourself as many questions as possible with these words about the task in hand and you will be generating many new ideas .

Think about the work , what has been its past and its history ,  how it grew over time and where does it stand today , where is it going and where is it likely to reach in future . As you focus on the timeline , a new way of doing the thing might flash in your mind .

Think how the work can benefit you more or how can it generate extra side-benefits . With a little innovative handling , it may additionally benefit you , or your near and dear ones , or the society , or your business , or the organization that you belong to .

Think different . Stretch your mind . Demand new ideas . Reject the usual methods . Think weird . Think silly . Think stupid . Think upside down . Subtract something .Add something . Make unusual combinations . Make it Big . Make it small . Soon you will have plenty of ideas .

Look at the list of all the ideas that you have generated . Pick up those ideas which will be useful . Now take action . Your action will be original and brilliant . If you use this method every time , you will excel in everything that you do .

How much time you should give to this exercise will depend upon how important is the task at hand and how much time is available . The more time however you give to this exercise , the more brilliant your performance will be .

Practice it regularly and you will have a better and more useful personal and social life . Practice it always : you will have a promising business and a brilliant career !

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